by Seven Tunes Labs

With the SugarCRM API Interface, get access to helpful SugarCRM APIs and detailed documentation served right in your browser using Swagger UI. Interact, try, share, and integrate easily without having to use Postman or IDE rest clients

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I navigate to the Swagger Api Interface

You can access the Swagger UI using or

Should I be logged-in to use the Swagger API Interface?

API Interface doesn't need any login, but in order to access the API itself - you'll have to authenticate yourself.

How to Authorize all API requests

If you're already logged-in to the CRM, the OAuth-Token will be automatically set. But - you can also use the /oauth2/token API to get the OAuth Token and set it in the Authorize section in the top right corner.

How do I restrict certain modules from the UI

You can remove modules that are displayed in the UI by navigating to Admin -> Swagger Api Interface -> Configure, and move the module to the "Disabled Modules" Section.

Will everyone have access to the APIs?

The API documentation is available to everyone anyways - but Access Controls definitely comes into play when you authorize the API with your credentials/OAuth-Token. We are not by-passing any security anywhere.

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